Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pokémon GO Items Explained 道具介绍

Pokeball 宝贝球

Used to capture PokémonEach player starts off the game with 50 Pokeballs. Acquired from PokeStops, 3 - 4 each time. Purchased from Shop with PokéCoins.

Great Ball 大宝贝球

Used to capture PokémonA variant of the Poke Ball that is better at catching Pokemon and holding onto them. Works just like the normal Poke Ball, with better performance, the Pokemon are less likely to resist this ball. It unlocks at level 12 and can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.

Ultra Ball 超级球

Used to capture PokémonThe chance to catch a Pokémon is greater than a Great Ball. Save it up to trap that Dragonite the day you see it. unlocks at level 20 and can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.

Razz Berry 木莓

When encountering a Pokemon with high CP or Rare, it will be hard to catch or will run away. Throwing a Razz Berry at the Pokemon will increase its chance of staying in the Poke Ball. Unlocks at level 8 and can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.

Incense 香薰

Incense attracts Pokemon to you. They last for 30 minutes and remains even when you're offline. Note that unlike Lure Module, Incense only attracts Pokemon to the user who used it. On average Incense attracts 1 Pokemon every 5 minutes while standing still and 1 every minutes while traveling 200 meters or faster and de-spawns after 2.5 minutes. Each player starts off the game with 2 Incense. Can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.

Lure Module 诱饵组件

Unlike Incense, Lure Module attracts a total of 10 Pokemon to every trainer in the specific Pokestop within 30 minutes. Under the Module, Pokemon appears about once every 3 minutes. It can only be used on PokeStops. PokeStop under the effect of a Lure Module will have pink petals surrounding it. Can be acquired from levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.

Potion 药水

Potion heals a Pokemon for 20 HP, cannot be used on Pokemon that is already fainted. It can be used during Gym BattlesUnlocks at level 5, can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.
在占领道馆时,药水能让精灵的生命值(HP) 增加20点,当精灵昏倒时不能使用。达等级5时解锁,可在转动宝贝站或升等级时获得也可在商店购买。


Super Potion 强效药水

Potion heals a Pokemon for 50 HP, cannot be used on Pokemon that is already fainted. It can be used during Gym BattlesUnlocks at level 10, can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.
在占领道馆时,药水能让精灵的生命值(HP) 增加50点,当精灵昏倒时不能使用。达等级10时解锁,可在转动宝贝站或升等级时获得也可在商店购买。

Hyper Potion 超级药水

Potion heals a Pokemon for 200 HP, cannot be used on Pokemon that is already fainted. It can be used during Gym BattlesUnlocks at level 15, can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.
在占领道馆时,药水能让精灵的生命值(HP) 增加200点,当精灵昏倒时不能使用。达等级15时解锁,可在转动宝贝站或升等级时获得也可在商店购买。

Revive 复活石

Revive restores a fainted Pokemon to half of its full HP. Used in Gym BattlesUnlocks at level 5, can be acquired from Pokestops, levelling up or purchased from shop with PokéCoins.

Eggs 宝贝蛋

Visit PokeStops and have a chance of getting an egg. You can have a maximum of 9 eggs. After they are placed in Egg Incubators, eggs are hatched into Pokemon after you have traveled (walked) 2, 5 or 10km. Each egg has a set distance you have to travel before it hatches. Any steps that you take when the app is closed will not contribute towards the distance you need to walk to make your Pokemon Egg hatch. When the egg hatches you will get XP based on distance traveled times. If it's a new Pokemon you will get an additional 500 XP. You will also get 10 to 35 Candy based on the CP of hatched Pokemon. If you're traveling too fast (i.e. in a car), the distance does not count.
在转动宝贝站时有机会获得宝贝蛋,最多9粒。放进孵蛋器后走特定距离,分別为 2km、5km、10km,便可得到一只小精灵。孵蛋时必须「开着游戏移动」才能让蛋孵化。若把游戏关掉或最小化则不会计算。每成功孵出1只精灵将获得 XP (经验值)。如果精灵未登录图鉴的可额外获得 500XP。根据孵出精灵的CP 值可获得10 - 35个糖果不等。步数需要靠走路来累积,开车是不算的。


Eggs Incubator (Unlimited) 孵蛋器 (无限量)

Starts the game, player is given an Orange Egg Incubator that can be used an unlimited amount of times. When the egg in an incubator, the player is required to travel a distance of usually 2 to 10 km in order to hatch the egg. Any steps that you take when the app is closed will not contribute towards the distance you need to walk to make your Pokemon Egg hatch. If you're traveling too fast (i.e. in a car), the distance does not count.
游戏开始时就有1个橙色的无限量孵蛋器。把蛋放进孵蛋器后需走分別为 2km - 10km的距离,便可孵出一只小精灵。孵蛋时必须「开着游戏移动」才能让蛋孵化。若把游戏关掉或最小化则不会计算。步数需要靠走路来累积,开车是不算的。

Eggs Incubator (3 Times) 孵蛋器 (3次)
Blue Egg Incubator can be bought from the Store for 150 PokeCoins or given as rewards for leveling up. Note that the acquired Egg Incubator will break after being used 3 times. Recommended to use the Blue Egg Incubator for shorter distance eggs (2km and 5km) and use the Orange one for 10km. So you won't need to replace incubators constantly.
蓝色孵蛋器需在商店购买 (150宝贝币) 或升等级时获得。孵化3次后孵蛋器将会消失。建议用蓝色孵蛋器孵化短距离的蛋 (2km 和 5km),然后用橙色的孵蛋器孵化远距离的蛋 (10km),这样就不需要不断更换孵蛋器。

Lucky Eggs 幸运蛋
Don't confuse Pokemon Eggs with the Lucky Egg, which serves a completely different purpose. Once player enable a Lucky Egg, they'll get double XP for everything you do in the game for the next 30 minutes. Do not use while you're sitting in one place, it's best used while on the go, in conjunction with Incense and an evolution spree.
别把宝贝蛋和幸运蛋混淆了,两种蛋是不同的。当玩家使用幸运蛋时,能在30分钟内获得双倍经验值 (XP)。使用幸运蛋是不要停留在一个地方,最好的使用方法是配合香薰和进化精灵时一起使用。

Candy 糖果
Used to Power Up Pokemon, increasing its CP and HP and Evolve a Pokemon to its next form. Each type of Candy is specific to one kind of Pokemon and its evolved form. You can't feed your Charizard with Pikachu candy, he won't touch it. Successfully capturing a Pokemon can get 3 Candy each. Hatching a Pokemon from an egg can get 10 to 35 Candy, depends on the Pokemon's CPTransfer a Pokemon to Professor Willow can get 1 Candy each time.
糖果用来升级和进化精灵以提升战斗力 (CP) 和生命值 (HP)。每只精灵都有专属的糖果,只能用该宠物自己的糖果才能进行升级或进化。你不能拿皮卡丘糖果去喂喷火龙,它不会接受!成功捕获1只精灵就可获得100个星尘和3个该精灵的糖果。成功孵出1只精灵可获得10 - 35个糖果不等,这要看孵出来精灵的 CP 值来定夺。把精灵跟博士交换可获得1个糖果1次。

Stardust 星尘
Used to Power Up Pokemon, increasing its CP and HP and Evolve a Pokemon to its next form. Stardust cannot buy at shop, player must collect it by catching Pokemon.  Similar to candy, stardust is connected to monsters.  Unlike candy, it doesnt matter where the stardust came from. You can use stardust on any Pokemon. 
Each time you catch a Pokemon, you'll be awarded 100 Stardust and 3 Pokemon Candy, specific to the Pokemon you just caught. 
Each time you hatch an egg, you're awarded with Stardust, Pokemon Candy, and XP! The amount of Stardust you'll receive depends on how long it took to hatch the egg - 2km, 5km, or 10km.
You can also obtain them by Defending a GymIf you have placed a Pokemon to defend your team's Gym, you can collect a Defender Bonus of 500 Stardust and 10 PokeCoins every 21 hours. The more Pokemon you have defending Gyms, the greater Defender Bonus will be.
星尘用来升级和进化精灵以提升战斗力 (CP) 和生命值 (HP)。星尘不能在商店购买,玩家必须从捕获精灵处获得。星尘和糖果一样,都跟精灵有关系,唯一不一样的就是不管玩家从什么精灵身上获得星尘,所有精灵都可以用。
每成功孵出1只精灵将可获得星尘、糖果和经验值 (XP)!星尘的数量根据孵蛋的路程来定。

Bag Upgrade 背包升级
Purchase at shop with 200 PokeCoins. It allows player to carry 50 more items. Maximum of upgrades is 13 times with costing 2600 PokeCoins. Allowing player to carry 1000 items in total, starts off with 350.
可在商店以200宝贝币购买,增加背包容量50。最多可升级13次,需用2600宝贝币。从最初的350容量,玩家可加多 650 容量,总共可装1000个道具。

Pokemon Storage Upgrade 精灵储存空间升级
Purchase at shop with 200 PokeCoins. It allows player to carry 50 more Pokemons. Maximum of upgrades is 15 times with costing 3000 PokeCoins. Allowing player to carry 1000 Pokemons in total, starts off with 250.
可在商店以200宝贝币购买,增加精灵储存空间容量50。最多可升级15次,需用3000宝贝币。从最初的250容量,玩家可加多 750 容量,总共可装1000个精灵。

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